Wednesday 17 August 2016

One of my obsessions

Here is one of my obsession that I have, unluckily or luckily, depends on how you see it :P

YES! I am obsessed with wolfs and everything related to an Indian style! But oh well, what can I do. Everyone has something that loves/likes too much.When I was smaller, I always wanted to have a room in Indian style. On walls- pictures of wolfs, Indian girls, fire, and the last but not the least the MOON. Dream catcher on top of my bed and many feathers everywhere. Probably now, it comes to the mind a question: what keeps you from that? Why don't you just do it, instead of sharing it to the internet?Maybe.... the fact that I have allergy and I would sneeze all the time and of course to prevent that I would have to clean my room very often. So, I wouldn't have time...

Putting aside my 'why's', let's focus on something more interesting than 'me'. 
Don't you have sometimes the feeling of just going out in the evening, sit somewhere and look at the Moon? I love these kind of situations, not that I have them a lot. Without any plans of what to do, you just go and stare at the Moon... all the thoughts, problems, plans, people, family goes away. Then you feel inside you a little bit of peace...You start to think, why am I so focused on these problems and not see the nature that is all around us? Why can't I be happy as I want to? Sometimes, we should take some time of our lifes and spend it with ourselves. Everything changes then, we kind of clear our minds from rushing and being in the middle of focus. 

That is one of my obsession that I have. I think now should be the line for readers, that says: 'Please share in the comment section below, one of yours obsessions that you got and let's see how weird and different we are' :) 

Sharing a song for this lovely evening: 

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